Leia costume to-do list

Now having (or close to having) 2 new Leia costumes in my repertoire, it’s really galvanizing me get moving on the movie canon costumes I’m missing, plus some other EU outfits I want to do.

But first let’s go through the “probably no” list…
(I don’t say absolutely no anymore because I know better)

1. No Leia costumes from Kenobi

I completely adore her. And I’ve seen some adult Leia cosplayers pull these looks off. But these costumes aren’t for me, I think I’d look silly. I’ll be doing Breha.

2. No Hospital Leia from TLJ

Ok I don’t hate this as much as Padme’s birthing gown but both just fall into the “it’s a hospital gown who wants a hospital gown” territory for me. It does have some visual interest like the fabric they used is neat but… nah.

3. No Force Ghost Leia

Out of this list this is the one I’m more likely to do. It’d be fun to do it with the organza overlay so you look glowy-y. But it’s not terribly interesting and I’m not even sure most people would get that you are Leia unless you’re in the right setting (at star wars celebration, with a luke, etc)

Ok so now let’s move on to my to-do list.
(Not including remakes here or Endor Leia remake is at the top of the list. Only new ones my completion-ist brain is screaming at me to do)

1. Jedi Training Leia

This is #1, I’ve wanted to do this since the movie came out, hopefully I can maybe start it this winter?

2. Rise of Skywalker Leia

I actually really ilke this costume. I like how it shares some DNA with the Bespin robe. For a while I was scouting for this robe fabric everywhere I went but it’s fallen off my radar, but I want to get back on it.

3. Honeymoon Suite Leia

I looove this look, it’s very Leia while still being a new look, love the colour blocking.

4. Something else from The Princess and the Scoundrel
(No pic!)
So when I was reading the book there were a couple of costumes described that really grabbed my interest. Of course now I can’t remember what they were. I’m planning to go back and earmark the descriptions so I can figure out which one I want to do and start planning. It would be fun to just interpret a Leia costume from words!

5. Jedi Leia

The old EU Jedi Leia. I’ve had this on my want-list for sooooo long. And for some reason the other day it got in my brain and I was literally planning it out in my head, like let’s go to Joann right now and just see what I can find and see if I could knock this out. But other things to finish first.

6. TFA Leia

The last of the movie costumes. I’ve been trying to get myself on this project for a few years now. But it just doesn’t excite me. One of these days I’ll run into the perfect shade of cotton for the jumpsuit and I’ll pull the trigger. I really want to do because I do want all the movie costumes!

7. Poster Leia

I actually made this costume back in like 2006 or 2007. It wasn’t long before I moved out of my parents house. I had a lot of that same sparkley material I’d used for my very first Leia leftover and I used that. It wasn’t quite done. But it got lost (probably stuffed in a bag prior to moving) and eventually, I’m sure, thrown away, because i’ve never seen it again. I’ve wanted to do it again for ages. But my plan has always been to find my 2001 one Leia and use the fabric from that, because I still love that fabric and I haven’t seen a fabric like it in stores in like 15-20 years. BUT my 2001 Leia is MIA. I think she may be gone. I looked high and low for her back in 2020 to no avail and at this point I’m having to admit defeat. I did keep an eye out in NYC for something similar but again, no luck. Maybe one day.

Ok now the next few are a bit more nebulous. I want to do them but they’re not in any kind of order or rank.

8. Splinter of the Mind’s Eye Leia

Another EU outfit that’s been on my list for years. This one and the black outfit actually, but I lean more towards this one because I could reuse the pants for…

9. Whatever Leia this is

LOL I don’t remember the name of the comic this is from. But it’s so cute. And yeah I feel like the pants could work for both.

10 Naboo Leia

I love this one because it’s so outside the box for Leia and I feel like I could really have some fun picking fabrics for it.

11. Princess of Alderaan

As soon as I saw this I asked Chase if he wanted to make me a sword LOL
But I actually kinda completely forgot about this until going thru my pics just now, I need to buy this book sometime soon and read it.

12. Barbie Leia

I just love this, it’s so pretty.

One thing that I was trying to figure out last night as I was falling asleep is… how many Leias have I done? Also do I count remakes? If I count remakes I’m at 31. 32 when I finish Rebels Leia. 33 if I count stormtrooper Leia. Do I count that? I have no idea.

Any way this was rambling while avoiding irritating things at work, and now i have to turn my attention back to the irritants.